Monday, May 25, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

So last friday(May 22) i had my wisdom teeth pulled, yanked, extracted lol whatever adjective you wanna use. But all 4 of those daddies were pulled out. I was terrified all week. In the middle of the week i things were lookin good. My mom told me that we didn't have enough for the copay so we would have to reschedule for July. I was excited....Until a half hour later when she told me that my apppointment for friday was back on. I almost cried lol. So friday came and i must admit that the procedure was not as bad as i thought. They put the needle in, pumped me with the anestheia. The doc started whistling and no lie i was out in like 10sec flat. lol it was crazy. the next thing i remembered was the doctors assistant waking me up.i think the entire thing was like 30min. So far recovery has been chill. Just taking my meds and what not. I tried eating some lasagna and found that was not a good idea as i ended up releasing it back into the toilet. not a good combo. but i think i am getting better. But to all you that haven't gotten your teeth pulled yet, i suggest you do it as soon as you can. its not that scary. honestly. These aren't my teeth but this is what they looked like.